Great Garden Design Principles

If you want to design your garden then it is not an exact science. Several principles will be helpful for you for creating a pulled-together cohesive look. The basic principles of designing your garden are simple enough that is often referred to by more than one name. In this article, I will share the basic three categories when combined to make the best version of your garden design. Keep in mind that it is your garden and you have to work hard to make it well pleasant and attractive to you.  

Order / Balance / Proportion – These three types are like the basic structure of your garden. It can be obtained through symmetry as a formal garden by doing a repetition of plants or colors or by using a bright feature with the complementary weight of fine texture or muted features. You don’t have to make a plan on paper you just have to consider where you want to place your plants before you start digging holes.

Harmony or Unity is also an important factor when the parts of the garden work together as a whole. That happens when there are too many disparate elements. You can achieve harmony by editing and it can be easily accomplished by using a limited color or palette, like the repetition of plants throughout the garden. The repetition of color will develop your flower bed around the clear focal point. If you have ever seen a theme garden with built-in unity, like a white garden, all butterfly garden or a hosta collector garden.

Flow, transition or Rhythm – If you want to keep things interesting you have to keep the eye moving. You have to guide the visitors about the discovery of your garden by directing their gaze. You can also visit Desert Horizon Nursery, to design your Plant nursery or garden beautifully.

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